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Music Education

Vocal Lessons

Hey there! Welcome to 22 Music School & Tuition, where we're all about helping the next generation of drummers! Our tutors are super experienced and make learning music fun and enjoyable. We teach drums in all styles - rock, jazz, and Latin - and you can follow graded routes or just jam out to your own musical interests. We teach everyone from 5 to 105, so whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, we've got you!


What will I learn?

Our vocal lessons are super cool and will help you improve your singing abilities. We cover all the good stuff like warm-ups, scales, arpeggios, vibrato, and more. Our instructors are experienced and will teach you microphone techniques, music theory, and how to rock those harmonies and ad libs. We'll also help you with voice projection, confidence, and stage presence, so you can totally own that live performance. Plus, we can even teach you how to compose and improvise like a pro! And if you're interested, we can even get you ready for the Rock School and Trinity grade syllabuses.

More Musical Opportunities

Are you ready to rock? Our music studios are the place to be! We've fancy equipment that'll make you feel like a rockstar. You can choose to learn on-site or online, and we'll even hook you up with instrument hire, restringing, and set up services. Join our weekly band sessions to jam with other musicians and become the next big thing. Who knows, maybe you'll even get a record deal!

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